Nonmember Indians’ claims to tribal timber in the Short and related cases produced, over a period of 30 years, an urgent need for the Hoopa-Yurok Settlement Act.
Now, Congress must act pursuant to Section 14(c) of the 1988 Act.
1950 Hoopa Valley Tribe Constitution Approved
1933 Hoopa Constitution replaced
A,B membership rolls [lists] approved; C roll in 1953
Opinion: Rights of the Indians of the HVR (Feb. 5, 1958)
Timber sales on Hoopa “Square” feasible after World War II
Short I (Court of Claims 1973)
All “Indians of the Reservation” must share in revenues distributed
No vested rights existed in 1864-91
Extension of Square in 1891 gave additional Indians equal rights with those of the Square
Opinion: 202 Ct. Cl. 870, portion at 486 F.2d 561
BIA Implementation of Short I
70/30 split of revenues began in 1974 when certiorari denied
70% account “Indians of the Reservation” clarified in 1975
“Gerard Plan” for Hoopa and Yurok tribes announced in 1978; later changed to “issue by issue” process
“Reservation-wide” account replaces 70/30% accounts
Beaver v. Interior Blocks Yurok Implementation
Injunction: halts Yurok election
Referendum rejects Gerard Plan
Judgment: restricts BIA efforts to aid Yurok tribal government
Short II (Court of Claims 1981)
Yurok tribe won’t be substituted in lieu of the individual plaintiffs
Qualification standards for Indians of Res. based on HVT membership
Opinion: 661 F. 2d 150
Cert. denied 455 U.S. 1034 (1982)
Short III (Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit 1983)
Motion to dismiss case denied
Jurisdiction exists under 25 U.S.C. 407 (timber)
A-E standards and “manifest injustice” exception approved
No declaratory judgment intended
Opinion: 719 F.2d 1133
Cert. denied 467 U.S. 1256
Short IV (Claims Court 1987)
Damages payable based on per capita distributions only
No damages from Hoopa tribal government expenditures
Plaintiffs have no right to “escrow” funds
Opinion: 12 Cl. Ct. 36
Puzz v. Interior Department (N.D. Cal. 1988)
BIA must run reservation and consult with all Indians of the Reservation
Community Advisory Committee process established
Hoopa Tribal Council advisory only
Opinion: 1988 WL 188462
Congressional Pleadings on Hoopa-Yurok Settlement
House Interior & Insular Affairs Comm. Hearing on H.R. 4469 (June 21, 1988)
Senate Indian Affairs Comm. Oversight Hearing (June 30, 1988)
Congressional Research Service report to House Interior & Insular Affairs Comm., on questions re H.R. 4469 (Sept. 13, 1988)
Senate Indian Affairs Comm. Hearing on S. 2723 (Sept. 14, 1988)
House Report 100-938 Part 1 (Sept. 16, 1988)
House Judiciary Comm. Hearing on H.R. 4469 (Sept. 30, 1988)
Senate Report 100-564 gives full explanation
Pub. L. 100-580, Hoopa-Yurok Settlement Act (Oct. 31, 1988)
Reservation divided when Hoopa claims waived
Settlement Roll prepared based on Short standards
Funds divided based on rolls (and waivers)
Suits must be in Court of Federal Claims
Act partly codified at 25 U.S.C. 1300i et seq.
Section 14(c) Report, 25 U.S.C. 1300i-11(c)
Secretary recommends to Congress after suits
Additional appropriations needed to implement terms of Act
"Any modifications to the resource and management authorities established”
No judgment payable until after Sec. 14(c) report
Karuk v. United States (Complaint Filed 1990)
Claimed rights in Square and Extension taken by HYSA
Similar complaint filed by Ammon group (like Short plaintiffs) (1991)
Similar complaint by Yurok Tribe (1992)
All Yurok members also in Ammon (plaintiff groups overlap)
Short V (Court of Federal Claims 1992)
Plaintiffs get interest on their damages because trust funds earn interest
Opinion: 25 Cl.Ct. 772
Shermoen v. U.S. (9th Circuit 1992)
District court dismissed claims of Yurok plaintiffs and Resighini tribe
HYSA unreviewable in case without Hoopa and Yurok tribes as parties
Sovereign immunity not defeated by suing councilmen
Opinion: 982 F.2d 1312
Cert. denied 509 U.S. 903 (1993)
Heller, Ehrman v. Babbitt (D.C. Circuit 1993)
Short plaintiffs’ attorneys seek share of Settlement Fund
Dist. court enjoined part of HYSF payments
Attorneys can’t get monies except in Court of Federal Claims, so Ct.App. dismissed
Opinion: 992 F.2d 360
Subsequent CFC case Duke, Gerstel v. U.S. settled
Short VI (Court of Federal Claims 1993)
No damages for Hoopa $5,000 per capita authorized by HYSA
Plaintiffs not entitled to escrow funds
Heller firm not disqualified
Opinion: 28 Fed. Cl. 590
Karuk Tribe v. United States (Court of Federal Claims 1993)
Plaintiffs’ claims threaten Hoopa exclusive rights in HVR
HVT can intervene to protect its interest under HYSA
Opinion: 28 Fed. Cl. 694
Short VII (Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit 1995)
Short IV, V and VI are upheld
2,612 plaintiffs (or their heirs) paid
$23,561 maximum payment
Opinion: 50 F.3d 994
Karuk Tribe v. United States (Court of Federal Claims 1998)
Plaintiff tribes and individuals had no vested property rights taken by HYSA
Opinion: 41 Fed. Cl. 468
Karuk Tribe v. United States (Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit 2000)
CFC Karuk Tribe rulings upheld
Opinion: 209 F.3d 1366
Cert. petitions denied 523 U.S. 941 (2002)
All court challenges to the Settlement Act have failed.
Now, Congress must act on the Secretary’s “Section 14(c)” Report
Mattz v. Arnett (Supreme Court 1973)
Klamath River Reservation still exists
1855 reservation was ideal for Yuroks
KRR was added to the “Square” reservation in 1891
Opinion: 412 U.S. 481
Short v. United States (filed March 27, 1963)
Williams family hired Harold Faulkner, Esq.
1967--court directed 3,323 plaintiffs to intervene
1975 or later--528 more plaintiffs (Ackley, Aanstad cases, etc.)